
Installing with pip

The presamples package is hosted on Pypi and can be installed using pip:

pip install presamples

Installing with conda

The presamples package is hosted on a conda channel and can be installed using conda:

conda install --channel pascallesage presamples

Install from github

The latest version of the presamples package is hosted on github and can be installed using pip:
git clone
cd presamples
python install


On some systems you may need to use sudo python install to install presamples system-wide.

Brightway2 dependencies and integration

Presamples was initially developed to work with the Brightway2 LCA framework and hence inherits some requirements from that framework. While it is possible to use with presamples without ever using Brightway, these dependencies still get installed. They won’t be a bother, though.


If you do want to use presamples with Brightway2, then great! You’ll find many classes and methods that will take your LCA game to the next level. Make sure you have Brightway2 installed in your environment, see `here<>`_ for more details.